Tuesday, June 19, 2012

More Taboos

Chinese Culture Taboo #2: Showing the bottom of your shoes -

Man showing bottom of his shoesIn China, people walk almost everywhere. Shoes tend to collect more dirt and junk than in Western countries. Showing someone the bottom of your shoes is considered very rude. It is rude even when it happens in natural situations such as crossing your legs or putting your feet up on a coffee table. Like many rooted customs, this is slowly changing .The younger generation would not get as upset if this were to happen as an elderly person would. Also, when you enter someone's house you are supposed to take off your shoes first. Most homes have a set of "house shoes"  for wearing inside and which they offer to guests. Although the home owner might protest and tell you it is not necessary to take off your shoes, you should do it anyway unless you are very close to the host. He is also being polite by saying "no need, no need", but actually there is a need. When my family first arrived in China, my father rode on the subway and crossed his legs in the seat. The gentleman sitting next to him took out a pad and paper and wrote something intently on it. Then he showed the paper to my father. It said, "The action which you are taking is impolite." Needless to say, we think twice before crossing our legs in public now!

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