Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Almost there China vs West 4

Cultural Difference #4: You can massage or slap yourself in public –

According to Chinese medicine theories, massaging the correct pressure points or rubbing the muscles and cartilage will increase blood flow throughout the body. This increased blood flow will bring vital nutrients and help your body get rid of extra toxins while maintaining looseness and flexibility. The elderly take their personal fitness very seriously. Many of them go outside daily to public parks, squares, or riverside areas to exercise. But their exercise form is quite different than Westerners. They will do these exercises often times in groups or while carrying on conversations. The exact exercises are not very structured. Typically it includes tapping a part of your body such as your chest, or thy. After slapping or hitting fifty or a hundred times they will switch to the other side. Pulling earlobes or walking backwards (or doing both at the same time) are other common sights. Chinese just don't take themselves as seriously as Westerners do and don't really care about looking cool. The regular workouts certainly must help because most elderly people in China are quite healthy and don't need to take much medicine.

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